Yaesu Fusion DR-1X – Wires-X configuration

DR-1X and Wires-X in practice

No surprise here that in practice the DR-1X and Wires-X together do not yet deliver the complete vision. The repeater is not on the “approved” hardware list from Yaesu. And the net is abuzz with the expected timing of software releases which will bring “full” functionality to the DR-1X / Wires-X combination.

As the combination of DR-1X and Wires-X is not an approved combination there is no official setup documentation. By trial and error and materials I have found on the net I have confirmed a setup which appears to work.

I took the time to document for a couple of reasons, first to get validation from the greater community. The Fusion platform has been out in the wild for a while and as a newbie I am seeking feedback from those who have been at this longer. Second is to share, lacking good documentation on how, I began to dig around and experiment to find a solution that worked.


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to share. That is truly in the spirit of Amateur Radio, and I tip my hat to you.

    Brunswick, Maine

  2. Alguno sabe como conseguir que el Windows 10 reconozca el cable de datos USB que lleva el Yaesu FT-70 DE desde hace un año lo intento y no hay forma y Yaesu no sabe no contesta.
    Y como hacer que se pueda transmitir hacia un PMR pues solo deja oir sintonizando frecuencia manualmente en 446.

    Someone knows how to get Windows 10 to recognize the USB data cable that the Yaesu FT-70 DE has been using for a year now, and there is no way and Yaesu does not know does not answer.
    And how to make that can be transmitted to a PMR because it only lets hear tuning frequency manually in 446.
    Thank you

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