Refreshing the tower climbing gear, look for a separate article on the subject, and all the additional gear takes up a lot of room on the harness so looking for a good place to clip the radio out of the way as I use a speaker mic. From past experience clipping your radio or cell phone etc to your tool pouch is a good way to lose it, all it takes is something to rub up on the outside, a rope or lanyard and off it will pop.
Radio clipped to tool pouch
Not wanting another holster at my waist or chest, I looked for a simple mod to keep the radio in one of the tool pouches already on the belt. I picker up a couple of feet of contrasting color webbing at the local farm store and sewed it to the lip of the pouch.
Webbing sewn to inside of pouch
And presto all better, clip is between the bag and the strap which prevents stuff from catching it.
Radio clipped to webbing.
73 Until next time, Jay
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