Thanks to Sal IK2UCK for posing the question “How do I setup the 3000 for RTTY using Ham Radio Deluxe”? Well that is simple, just follow the directions in the operations manual. Crystal clear right? Well read on and it will be in a few minutes.
NOTE!!! The instructions which follow are intended to be used when FSK is desired. Frankly unless you are a purest, AFSK works just as well and if you have already followed the PSK setup instructions. You are good to go, change the mode in DM780 to AFSK and go.
If someone at Yaesu is reading this, please have HAM’s proofread your manuals.
To get to this point I am assuming that you have followed my other blog entry regarding setup of the FTdx3000 for audio card based digital modes. If not stop and run over to that entry and return back once complete.
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