Update March-20-2016 As noted in another post firmware 1.10j is a winner deprecates the setup instructions below. Rather use the documentation available on the Yaesu website for setup of the Wires-X node, it is under the files section under the HRI-200 product.
Have Fun, Jay
Having been a repeater user and wanting to learn more about the design and operational aspects of repeaters. I decided to sponsor a machine to service a limited area around my QTH. This would allow me the flexibility to experiment to my hearts content, and if some point the burden became to great, I could just flip the switch.
My feature shopping list was a short one.
- Able to link
The ability to be part of a community or communities is as I see it very important. Ham Radio is often times described as a hobby of hobbies. Given the number of niches which exist. The ability to find and link to those of like interests sure contributes to the fun factor. - Digital and optionally narrow band
The use of digital affords a great many benefits and most notably the ability to pass data in addition to voice. This is a key base capability which provides much functionality in normal repeater use and in the Wires-X system. By presenting to the end user lists of rooms and nodes. No need to remember DTFM command strings. - Affordable
Remember I am sponsoring this so keeping an eye on the spend.
I looked at D-Star and DMR and while both posses merits, I chose to pass on both due to low cost scores and low adoption in the Kansas City area.
The financial enticement offered by Yaesu coupled with the vision behind Wires-X sold me on the Yaesu platform.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share. That is truly in the spirit of Amateur Radio, and I tip my hat to you.
Brunswick, Maine
Thank you Mike.
73, Jay
Alguno sabe como conseguir que el Windows 10 reconozca el cable de datos USB que lleva el Yaesu FT-70 DE desde hace un año lo intento y no hay forma y Yaesu no sabe no contesta.
Y como hacer que se pueda transmitir hacia un PMR pues solo deja oir sintonizando frecuencia manualmente en 446.
Someone knows how to get Windows 10 to recognize the USB data cable that the Yaesu FT-70 DE has been using for a year now, and there is no way and Yaesu does not know does not answer.
And how to make that can be transmitted to a PMR because it only lets hear tuning frequency manually in 446.
Thank you
Windows 10 is normally good at installing drivers. Is it an aftermarket cable or sourced from Yaesu?
Regards, Jay